Thursday, April 2, 2015

The tale of two ephys

Today we went to shoppers stop at gurgoan. We left you, little Prashast, with your eleder sisters ( Prisha and Pramika) to roam about. You firmly planted yourself at the toy section. You first picked two black monkeys eating yellow bananas and then a kangaroo.

But all animals were quickly kept back and were waved bye bye. Then you finally set your eyes on a small blue elephant and a big grey one. You somehow, managed to carry the two elephants in your arms. No matter what you refused to let go of those elephants.

At the payment counter we bought the small blue elephant for you and told you to say bye bye to the grey one but you refused to let go. You ran with the two elephants saying no no no and crying. We saw how fond you were of both the elephants and finally bought them both.

Since then you are doing everything with the elephants even sleeping with them.